Right now I'm reading a book called Three Cups of Tea (review to follow upon my completion:) and am totally stunned by what this man Greg Mortensen has been able to accomplish. After stumbling into a Pakistani village after a failed attempt to summit K2, what he saw changed him forever. Children, in a frozen field, scratching their times tables into the mud with wooden sticks. No teachers. No school supplies. Not even a roof over their heads. He managed to go home and raise enough money to build them a school and has been doing just that ever since. Giving children an opportunity to choose between extremist schools for Taliban or a proper education in a real school.
How can I even compare to that? It feels really overwhelming at times.
But as I have posted before one of the things I absolutely love and adore about working with Aveda is all the opportunites I get to help out globally. We are approaching Earth Month, and every year Aveda brings back the Lavendar candles (which smell A.MA.ZIIING). They are really something to feel good about. Let me tell you why :)
Aveda works closely with a village in Bulgaria whose livelihood is dependant on the small distillery they use for lavendar and rose oil. They offer them fair wages for their work and use all the essential oils to make the beautiful little candles (which are housed in recycled glass bottles). All of which they are creating in a carbon-neutral factory (completely wind-powered). Then they sell them for $12 and 100% of the profit goes to various countries around the world to provide clean water.
It's a small contribution compared to all the other wonderful people who dedicate their lives to the service of others but it's something. I feel that it's important to give back to the world. It's not about good karma or so I can sleep peacefully at night. It's about living consciously and being informed about the world around me. As a steward of this planet it is my duty and responsibility to care for all living things.
Without that, we have literally nothing.
If you are interested in purchasing a Light The Way candle I'd be happy to give you information on the Salon location and setting as many as you'd like aside.
I love these candles! I probably should come stock up on some to put in my gift drawer at home.